Black Lace
The 'Reunion'

On a cold day, at the beginning of March (1999) Colin, received a call from Terry (Dobson) with an Idea to re-form the original 'Eurovision' Line-up of Black Lace, as on the 31 March it would be the 20th anniversary of our entry into the Eurovision song contest, and by coincidence it was to be held once again in Jerusalem,
The idea was at first, a shock, as the death of Alan in Germany in 1995, had dismissed any possibilities of a reunion, in any shape or form. But Terry had considered that it would be nice, to invite Alan's son Dean, to take his place and front the band. Suddenly the Idea didn't sound too ridiculous, and it was a good way of raising money for charity. Col agreed on principal, and Terry set to work on contacting the others, and making the arrangements. this was quite a task, as the 31st was less than three weeks away, and as yet, no Venue, no publicity and even more importantly, no band.
After a great deal of telephone calls a venue was agreed, and the publicity would not be a problem, as the suggestion of the original band re-forming (even if it was for just one night) exited TV, radio and press in a way that Terry & Col, could not have dreamed.
The next problem was to get the band together (in the same room, on the same day, at the same time. this was always a problem in the early days, and it wasn’t going to be any easier this time. Dean was happy, in taking his dad’s place, at the front of the band. But recruiting Steve was to prove more difficult, as he refused to even talk about the Idea let alone appear. (This was not a great surprise, considering his departure from the band),
Although Steve wouldn’t’t talk, he did pass on a message, saying that he would not appear, and the reason given was that Alan still owed him money. This was totally untrue, as Steve left Black Lace under a cloud, and, owed the band money, as he refused to help dispose, of the joint debt the band had uncured, back in 1981.
It was looking like the reunion would not happen, after all, as there was now only two original members, but then terry hit on the idea of recruiting, original bass player- Ian Haworth, who had left the band in 1976, when Black Lace, turned professional. It was a great idea, and Ian jumped at the chance. This time, he would be playing, ´second guitar’, Dean on lead guitar, Terry on drums, and Col, on bass. The band was ´reunited´
With only three weeks, it would be tight getting it together, as, all the band had commitments, and getting together for rehearsals would be almost impossible. The members, all had a list of the songs and recordings to listen to, and all rehearsed there parts alone, and then got together, once they all new what they had to do.
The first rehearsal ´together was a nightmare. It was a long way from being a tight ´professional´ band, but not a long way from show night. They only had two more rehearsals before the big night, but amazingly it came together superbly
They decided that the evening would be in three parts. Terry’s band ¨Mister Twister´ would open the evening with there set. Followed by the ´Black Lace reunion´ and the night would finish with the present Black Lace, in the form of Col & Rob.
Terry’s band supplied all the equipment for the night, and that was set up in the afternoon. Col & Rob, arrived at around five o’clock for the sound check, and could not believe what was happening they could hardly get into the place for, TV, radio and newspaper people. The interest in the event was unbelievable. And the amount of people that arrived for the show was just as breathtaking.
The evening was a great success, and the feeling on stage was electric. The band, naturally finished the set with there Eurovision entry ´Mary Ann´,
( Col said afterwards¨; Ä shiver ran down my spine as Dean started to sing. It was Alan’s voice that was coming out, it was if he was there with us)
It was a ´one off´ event and they knew that there would never be another reason to do it again. It’s a great shame that Steve wouldn’t’t attend, as the band knew, that he would have enjoid it.